Capturing Ping Che Grass Field – Using Exposure Bracketing

Capturing Ping Che Grass Field – Using Exposure Bracketing

Besides, we can use the in-camera Automatic Exposure Bracketing (AEB) function of EOS cameras to ensure photos with accurate exposure. With this function, the camera will take three images consecutively at different exposure values by adjusting the shutter speed or aperture automatically. Take EOS 6D as an example. Its AEB function can be set from the lowest 2/3 stops (i.e. -1/3→0→+1/3) to the highest 6 stops (i.e. -3→0→3).

We can go to the “Exposure Compensation/AEB” function setting page in the menu to set the AEB function. Some advanced DSLR models offer a “Q” button to do the setting.

Press the “Q” button (when you hold the camera with both hands, the “Q” button is usually reachable with your right hand thumb) and then use the cross keys to select “Exposure Compensation/AEB” (as shown in the photo below). Turn the back dial with your thumb to increase or decrease the exposure compensation. This is same as accessing the “Exposure Compensation/AEB” through the menu, just that the “Q” button offers you a quicker and more convenient way to do so.

Press the “Q” button and after entering the “Exposure Compensation/AEB” setting page, turn the back dial to adjust the exposure compensation

Turn the top dial next to the shutter release button with your index finger will allow you to change the AEB setting, e.g. -2/3, 0, +2/3. The three subsequent images taken will be using these three exposure compensation values.

Turn the top dial with your index finger to change the AEB setting. How far you turn the dial will determine the exposure bracketing range 

At the AEB setting page, turn the back dial with your thumb to change the starting value for the exposure bracketing range. To return to the exposure compensation setting page, turn the top dial with your index finger until you reach the null point.

After entering the AEB setting page, turn the back dial to change the starting value for the exposure bracketing range.

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